Boring Engine Builders

I just finished playing Wingspan and while it wasn’t bad per se, it just felt mundane. But this doesn’t really seem unique to Wingspan but a more general feeling. I just don’t feel like there is much building or scaling going on. I want to go back to that feeling of playing Dominion for the first time and all the interesting interactions going on. Some of this is probably just nostalgia, a bit is a loss of novelty from understanding things better. It just seems like more recent games like Terraforming Mars, or Wingspan are neutered, balanced removing some of the zany interactions. Maybe some of this is just a lack of freedom, fewer interesting choices between cards making it hard to feel in control. Maybe the sheer number of cards makes all of them blur together. Can you name a Terraforming Mars or RFTG card? I can’t. I can name countless Dominion cards though. This is probably just a boomer rant but I need to go back and play some more Dominion I think. What games should I play to bring out the feeling of experiencing interesting and powerful interactions?

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